Thursday 10 October 2024

11-261 (16/9/24) -- Relaxed & Low Key

We had a low key day -- very relaxing. We did some shopping and other errands. Lunch was at a local restaurant -- fun food and time to visit. We spent some time on campus where my dear met some of my colleagues and friends. It was late afternoon, so several had headed home already, but we did see a couple. Supper was simple and low key -- leftovers. It was all Italian food -- ravioli and fresh sauce from yesterday as our appetizer and my baked ziti for the main. It was all so very yummy. We are certainly all about the food <smile>

I am reminded of a song when I think of relaxing music and lyrics. This cover by a group that began in Toronto when I lived there eons ago. I had an apartment on the 7th floor with a balcony that looked out over the west of the city. It was quite relaxing to stand there after dark and watch the lights and the sky. Here today, we spent time looking at the sky after dark. a calming process.  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Up on the Roof -- The Nylons

11-260 (15/9/24) -- Celebrate!

What a wonderful day. Today was sunny and warmer than the past two days have been. It was a very pleasant day for a birthday. <smile> We went for a walk along a path that was new to us both. It felt good to get out in nature and breathe the fresh air. I liked the metaphor of walking a new path. I challenge myself to do new things during the next year -- matching the number of new things to the number of years at my birthday. Not all new things are chosen by us -- some fall into our lives. All are things that help us learn and grow. We just have to remain open to  those lessons. 

Supper was wonderful. My dearest friend made fresh tomato sauce and served it with spinach-cheese ravioli. Very yummy. Of course there was cake for dessert complete with a candle and the singing of the birthday song. It all made me smile. 

The day was a delightful celebration. One song came to mind while thinking through the day, so it is shared here tonight. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Birthday -- Beatles


Thursday 26 September 2024

11-259 (14/9/24) -- Moon Light

Today we headed out for some groceries and then for a shorter walk in the cooler air with northerly wind again. This weather reminds us that a seasonal change is in the offing. To offset the colder feel to the day, the night brought the most amazing full moon and bright stars. The moon lit up the patio in a way that made me think I'd left on the outside lights. The living room was lit well, too. The light felt peaceful and calm. I'm so glad I didn't sleep through this event. 

I share a song that came to mind while staring at the moon. It has a rhythm and melody that sound like the calmness I felt looking at that sky. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Moonglow -- Tony Bennett & kd lang

11-258 (13/9/24) -- Time Together

We went out to our favourite restaurant for an early birthday dinner tonight. The appetizer of seared tuna and spicy tuna tartar was a-maz-ing. I could have eaten a couple of those for the main course.  We also had mozzarella and pesto fritters served with a bit of  red sauce (I'd like more of that sauce). The main courses were superb, as always. I had a curried vegetable and shrimp entree and my friend had the sausage gnocchi. These were highlighted with a great malbec. Needless to say, we were rather full, so we opted to take dessert home with us for another day. <smile> 

During the day we did a short walk in the cooler air with a gusty north wind. The days are to get warmer -- if not down right hot -- for the next few days. I enjoy wearing sandals so the warmer days will allow that again, along with being able to wear my favourite skort <grin>. 

The day was filled with fun and happy feelings. It brought a song to mind that spoke about our outdoor activity today. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Walking on Sunshine -- Katrina and the Waves

Sunday 22 September 2024

11-257 (12/9/24) -- Together with Food & Wine

Today I picked up my dear friend from the airport. It was a sunny day -- very nice for driving. We picked up a great wood fired pizza (pesto, fresh mozzarella, prosciutto, mushrooms, arugula)  for a late lunch and had leftovers for supper. The evening was spent with a good bottle of red and much talking. It was a long travel day for my friend, but being in the same place for a change was delightful. 

A few lines from a song seemed to fit the end of the day, though we were at home and not at a restaurant tonight. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Scenes from an Italian Restaurant -- Billy Joel

11-256 (11/9/24) -- Anticipation

Today was a lovely blue sky day with a cooling breeze that felt almost fall-like.  I ran a few errands and did some house cleaning in preparation for a visitor. In the late afternoon I went for a relaxing walk with a friend who understands the anxiety I've been feeling. 

I felt positive with the anticipation of a visit from my very dear friend. I look forward to spending time cooking, eating, walking, talking and just being together. <smile>

An upbeat song that fit the events of the day is shared with you all tonight. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Mr. Blue Sky -- Electric Light Orchestra

11-255 (10/9/24) -- Finding Positives

Today brought reduced anxiety -- reduced yes, but not altogether gone. One situation may not be as dire as I was led to believe. Again -- a potentially better outcome, but a lot of 'ifs' along the way. I'll take that for now. 

In the evening, rain fell during a thunder storm. We haven't had rain for some time. This storm brought some down pours that left my container garden well watered for the next day or so. We need so much more and are still under water restrictions. 

The song chosen for today talks about the need for positive news stories. Some of the lines fit well with my feelings today. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

A little good news -- Anne Murray