Thursday 2 May 2024

11-122 (1/5/24) -- New Beginnings

The start of a new month. Today is Beltane and May day. -- prep for spring planting, herding, and fires to ward off disease and bad luck. -- originally, Mayday also involved new beginnings with dancing around a decorated pole to improve fertility. 

This afternoon, a fete for retiring faculty occurred -- another group celebrating new starts. It was fun to see people I know and to meet a few new folks. The turnout was reasonable, though not as many people gathered as did pre-pandemic. I was able to speak to some other 'already retired' faculty, including the man who was Dean when I was hired. I enjoyed getting out to do something social today. The walk across campus was brisk -- winds were cold and strong, but not as bad as yesterday. I guess I'll take that as a win. <smile>  

A friend reminded me of this song when stating that 'you can dance if you want to' as she explained the history of this calendar date. That immediately brought a song to mind. It was a new wave production by a Canadian band that charted globally. The song came from a protest for freedom to dance in clubs. (If interested, read the history notes found in the attached link.) The tempo is great for dancing around the kitchen, patio, Maypole or Beltane community fires. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

The Safety Dance -- Men Without Hats

Tuesday 30 April 2024

11-121 (30/4/24) -- It's Amazing

Very strong, cold wind from the west overnight and during the day. When I headed out mid-morning, there was some rain and some snow in the air. The latter only lasted for a part of a minute at a time, the former was always around in a light drizzle way. Temperatures were cold even without the wind. By mid-afternoon, a mix of sun and cloud replaced the precipitation. April chose to exit with a reminder of winter. 

I had my first post-surgical checkup today. Healing is moving along as expected. In another four weeks, we decide on what type of prescription lenses might be needed. I'm expecting that this will be for reading and computer work -- close and mid-range vision. At present I'm wearing readers from the drug store. They work for short term stuff, but have created eye strain headaches when used for more than a quick vision job. I've had these readers for a while to use overtop of contacts that I needed for distance. I look forward to glasses that will correct for the slight differences in each eye. 

Again, I amazed myself when I could read the 20/20 lines -- such a huge difference over what I was able to see before -- and that was the corrected vision. Uncorrected, I could see nothing. So, this is a wild change. With ongoing healing and brain adjustments to changes, today was a good reminder that the process is still underway. Things will continue to change and the brain will continue to adapt. It all takes time and energy. 

The chorus lyrics of the selection for today say a lot of what I've felt recently. It is also an uplifting power ballad. If you listen closely you can hear Don Henley singing along with the lead singer in places. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Amazing -- Aerosmith 

11-120 (29/4/24) -- Environmental Thoughts

Today I went to postal kiosk to mail the tax return -- in just under the wire. I then walked down Main Street to the bank to pay the taxes owing. Along the way there and back to the car, I walked by the town library to admire the magnolias. These white ones are just starting to unfurl. there are many fuzzy buds (like pussy willows) left to open in the next week or so. The large white one by the bank has more blooms than last week, though some have been scarred by the frost over the past few mornings. This left brown streaks on some blossoms. More buds remain unopened, so that will be with us for the next week, too. 

At home, I did some online catching-up with email and social media. I then organized the recycling, compostable waste and the bag that goes to landfill. I am happy to live somewhere where this is picked up at the curb weekly (recyling every other week and compost and garbage weekly). Very cool. It has diverted a large chunk of stuff that used to head to the landfill. We also are able to take bulkier items and excess cardboard or hazardous waste directly to the solid waste management facility outside of town. AS a province, we have done more than many others do to minimize landfill waste.

Having missed Earth Day in the blog last week, I dedicate the blog today to that day. I chose a song by a Canadian songwriter to share today. It was written in the 1970s and the singer-songwriter-lyricist has updated the lyrics to state 'in the 21st century'. I chose a cover with lovely harmonies from three gifted singers. Keep safe. Enjoy!

After the Gold Rush -- Dolly Parton, Emmylou Harris, & Linda Ronstadt 

11-119 (28/4/24) -- Overwhelming Tasks

I took a walk around the block to help me move between tasks.  Sometimes I just stall. The temperature was surprisingly warmer with less wind than has been usual. The sun felt warm, so some folks were sitting on their porches to enjoy the afternoon. I think we still need to wear something to keep warm, but it was a pleasant day. 

The main tasks today involved work on household accounting -- end of month stuff. It is always a chore. Days like this, I think it would be nice to have an assistant to do such things for me. They could also arrange appointments and meetings and remind me of such. Some days it is more than I care to do. <smile>  I did manage to get things completed as per plan -- for a change. <grin> 

Again, chorus lyrics caught my mind today. When I work on such household projects I can feel overwhelmed. The chorus and title of this song fit perfectly today. The music itself brings a feel of too much going on making it difficult to focus. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Too Much Information -- The Police

Sunday 28 April 2024

11-118 (27/4/24) -- Cleaning Corners

It was a day for cleaning out the corners. The fancy baseboards have less dust now <smile>. They look nice, but the many grooves and ridges attract dust and such way too well. A longer dusting implement will be needed to reach the ceiling corners. Nine foot ceilings are wonderful, but getting to the inevitable cob webs is very challenging. I will add that to my shopping list. I did not vacuum but will do some sweeping instead. Upon re-reading the instructions from the surgeon, it seems I should be doing less intense stuff for another week or so. I must admit that I am pleased to have a reason not to vacuum <grin>. Laundry is also underway as is usual for a Saturday at my place. 

While cleaning the house, I took some time to reflect on my moods and attitudes lately -- sort of clearing the corners of the mind, if you will. Getting some good sleep and seeing the sunshine and blue skies out the windows can improve my approach to the day. It is cold outside with a strong north wind today. Given the work inside today, I chose not to go for a walk. Next week there should be some double digit highs, though it may only be 10C. Overnight lows have been below freezing for the past few nights and will continue until mid-week. At that point, I plan to put out my perennials that over-wintered in the garage. Having some things growing on the patio, will help my outlook, too. 

One song title seemed to fit with the work and the pondering done today. The lyrics speak to why I tend to only read scrolling headlines these days. <sigh>  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Dirty Laundry -- Don Henley

Saturday 27 April 2024

11-117 (26/4/24) -- Spring Flowers

We had sunny blue skies again today, with cold temperature and wind that made it feel cooler. I did a walk along Main Street and stopped to do a couple of errands along the way. I stood and gazed at the magnolia that often is the first in town to bloom. The blossoms were just starting. It should be in full bloom in a few days. It has lovely creamy, white flowers. I really love these trees. The blooms are large and arrive before the leaves are even in bud. My favourite are the pink blooms. There are some of those on campus along with some yellow and different whites. I should take a walk up there next week to see the trees. Several smaller new trees were planted a year ago, so there are more pink trees around. 

I love the flowers of spring. They bring a feeling of hope. Trees will soon be budding and late spring and early summer flowers will arrive. Yet, spring holds my favourite changes. Making plans for the next few months helps me to maintain the hope and enjoyment of the warmer season. I've maintained that Canadians try to cram 12 months of living into the three months of summer. <smile> We really should find things to enjoy in the other seasons. Spending nine months wishing it would be summer seems a waste of much of one's life. A friend who lived to 100 often said to me not to wish my life away. I expect she meant that living in the present while looking forward to the future was best. We can miss so much if we are only future focused. 

The selection tonight has a relaxing sound and lyrics that reference the flowering tree I love at this time of year. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Magnolia -- J.J. Cale 

Thursday 25 April 2024

11-116 (25/4/24) -- Self-Talk

The sky today was a bright cloudless blue with great sunshine. Air temperatures were in the single digits for a high today (and for the coming week or so). The sun helped the car interior feel warm, though. I did a quick trip out to get a few groceries and then to a store for a few non-food items and their senior's discount day at a store. Hey, there are some perks to getting older <smile>. I had an eclectic list for that store,  where I got a few things like batteries and teabags and saline spray

In the afternoon, I tried to finish up the tax return forms. I didn't get things fully completed, but will do that tomorrow. I might head out to photocopy a few attachments and do an errand or two while out. We'll see. I do have time to get this done before the deadline, I just have to remain calm <grin>. More working on being kind to myself is underway. Many things need attention, but one can't do it all at once. Prioritizing the list can be challenging, but is worthwhile. I think that is how my 'to do' lists have been working. I make the list for the weekend and then it becomes the start for the weekly list. There are some 'nice to do' things added to the list that may or may not get done, but they are there for future moments when I need something fun to do. 

A song chorus came into my head today. It said what I needed to say to myself. <smile> The whole song makes me want to dance around the kitchen. <grin> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Don't Bring Me Down -- ELO