Saturday, 22 October 2016

Day 3 - 296 -- Beauty in Everyday Things

Well -- we did get some rain overnight and bits throughout the day today. Winds were not too strong in this area. Temperatures now (midnight) are still hovering around 20+  C. (~70 F.) with major humidity, so the system hasn't fully left the area. It is to be a few degrees cooler tomorrow with some sun. My day was spent closely intertwined with laundry and grading. So -- a typical Saturday during teaching term.

I had the tv on in the background while grading to help drown out outside distracting noise. Sadly by evening, this didn't work as neighbours half a block away chose to have a huge blowout party, which is still underway. So frustrating. What makes them think they are so special that laws and civility don't apply to them? <sigh>

One of the shows that was on in the background today was part of a Doctor Who day on the Space channel. It was my favourite episode -- if one can have only one favourite DW episode <smile> -- "Vincent and the Doctor."  While it pulls aliens into the story line, it also portrayed this amazing artist well, including his health issues. I've seen some of his paintings in museums. They are so evocative and the colours so vibrant. I've had tears in my eyes from the beauty he created -- showing his interpretation of the world around him -- things we often take for granted and just walk by daily. He painted everyday life -- the beauty of everyday life -- while he endured much mental pain.

Making beauty from unpleasantness is the crux of the lyric for the song of the day. The poetry of the lyric and the soothing vocals can bring a sense of calm. Enjoy!

Diamonds made from Rain -- Eric Clapton

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