Sunday, 23 October 2016

Day 3 - 297 -- Working through the Piles

The wind arrived during the day today, but with some lovely sunshine. Cooler temperatures should follow for the rest of the week -- likely in the 40s F or 8-9 C.  That's a far cry from the warmer temperatures of the past few days. I spent the day grading papers that need to be returned to students on Tuesday. The paper pile was completed by early evening today but much online grading remains -- about 90 discussions as of today with more coming by the end of the week.

It always feels good to get one project completed, even when many others are still covering the desktop. Tomorrow will be further grading and report generation for admin meetings this week. Deadlines that occur during the midterm and end of term times seems odd when they come from within the academic organization. Though, I expect there would always be something to interfere with major admin deadlines. Some reports are just frustrating to prepare <smile>.

The song that came to mind today is by a Canadian group. The lyrics deal with working in an office and for yourself. Either of these can be filled with busy work -- the administrivia of business. Enjoy!

Taking Care of Business -- Bachman & Turner ft Paul Schaeffer

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