Monday, 30 October 2017

Day 4 - 303 -- Grayness Prevails

Today went differently from several  past Mondays. I went into the office rather than grading at home. There was a committee meeting and a pile of e-files to complete. Parts of the web site still are not available but some back door links were shared today so we can continue on fairly well. The big issue involved fillable forms that were on the hidden part of the system <sigh>. This left me (and several others) to  retype a report due tomorrow. Outside the window grey, ominous clouds filled the sky. Rain began in the afternoon along with wind. While the wind continued, the rain seems intermittent, though always at a sharp angle due to the major wind. Most of the leaves off the big gold tree in the front yard left during the afternoon. Other trees are just reaching peak colour while others are not yet changing much at all. Those will remain on the trees for now. It is this situation that can cause downed branches and entire trees when major winds arrive.

While we didn't get as much rain as expected, when it fell it was fierce. I'm glad I took my rain gear into the office today. It made the trudge to the car manageable with no wet denim to sit in on the ride home <smile>. A few lines from a song came to mind during this rainy walk. It is by a Canadian band. The video is a bit odd, but one must keep an open mind, right? <grin>. Enjoy!

Stop the Rain -- Loverboy

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