Sunday, 1 October 2017

Day 4 - 274 -- Blue Sky Day

Frost warnings were out for last night and it was rather chilly indoors this morning. The daytime high felt so pleasant -- high 60sF or about 16-18C. The sky was clear blue. I drove to the office to pick up a file I'd forgotten on Friday. It would have been a perfect day to walk up and back to enjoy the day, but given the sore foot, I had to forgo that pleasure. There will be fewer days like this as we venture further into fall. I do hope that the soreness improves and I can get in some walking on days that aren't just grey and rainy -- though I would take that if this painful foot would improve <smile>.
I worked throughout the day on lecture prep and  exam drafts. It felt like a calm day -- almost peaceful.

Finding days that arrive with that air of calm is a gift. I'm not convinced -- as some platitudes would have it -- that this is fully in my control. The universe sees fit to provide moments here and there that close in on perfection. My job becomes recognizing and accepting them. Today was that kind of day. Listening to a movie and a documentary as I worked led me to ponder forgiveness. This, I believe to be a key to the door where we find acceptance, peace and love. Forgiving others is often the focus, but learning to forgive oneself may be more difficult.

Several songs came to mind that explained aspects of today. I chose one with lyrics that covered the overall feeling of the day. Lyrics and melody provide a light, up beat feel -- one that doesn't question the feeling, but just rolls with it. Enjoy!

The 59th Street Bridge Song -- Simon & Garfunkel

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