Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Day 5 - 17 -- Random Smiles

A good part of today occurred when I realized that not calling the plow last night was a good thing. It snowed through the day and is to continue overnight. So, while I shoveled what had fallen by supper time, there will be more -- meaning the street and sidewalk plows will have to move more into the driveway. so -- calling tomorrow makes more sense and walking to work tomorrow won't add an undo burden. I was in the office for a class, lab prep, searching for a piece of equipment needed for lab, and responding to many e-mail messages. I left for an appointment off campus mid-afternoon, and the fine snow was still falling, though it felt warmer than earlier in the day.

I'm not sure why, but I found myself smiling every so often while walking -- a song on the iPod or a random thought and sometimes, for a reason that wasn't clear to me. I'm not complaining and certainly am not concerned by this behavior <smile>. I was just surprised -- or even a bit startled. I'll not examine this too closely, but will try to be more aware of the inner feeling or thought that sends a message to the facial muscles. <smile>

A song that somewhat fits the unexpected arrival of something to smile about also includes imagery of warmer climes and music. Love the singer-songwriter and his internal rhyming. Please excuse the setting as it isn't really a Christams song <smile>. Enjoy!

Snowtime -- James Taylor

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