Pushing the slush and walking home left me with two coats that weighed far more when I came indoors than they did when I went outside. The fine misty rain and heavy wet snow had created very wet parkas and rain pants. So I now have two sets of outdoor gear hanging in hopes of having one dry set by tomorrow. Mittens were soaked, too, but the liners kept my hands dry. Boots are wetter than I've ever seen them -- may need a further external spray to keep the outside dry -- maybe on the weekend when I don't have to go anywhere. When hanging up the coat worn while shoveling, I put my hand in the pockets and found surprising things. I'd rather have found a five dollar bill, but I found enough snow to make a small snowball. That coat doesn't have pockets that zip shut, but the flaps generally keep such things from entering.
Finding that cold surprise in my pocket reminded me of a lyric from an older song. While little boys fill their pockets with things to save, I didn't feel the need to save the slush ball for posterity. The singer was one of the smooth voiced tenors of the post-WWII decades. Enjoy!
Catch a Falling Star -- Perry Como
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