Sunday, 14 September 2014

Day 257 -- Art, health and life

Today I began a project for an addendum to an art book. I was provided with e-files of two works of art -- each rather avant garde. I am to choose one and write how the work represents food and nutrition to me. I love this sort of thing -- and I do bring art into the classroom wherever possible. I've enjoyed the lateral thinking exercise and have decided which of the artworks to pursue this coming week -- deadline is next weekend. I'm hoping they find my interpretation worth publishing, but even if not, it will not have been a waste of time. Using the artistic part of my brain can be quite refreshing, when daily work often includes mostly vertical, silo style thinking. <smile>

One need not be artistic in nature to think laterally. A favourite exercise for workshops and classrooms involves asking participants to imagine as many uses for some common object within 1 minute. If you find yourself needing a short break, this is worth trying. When working through a problem and designing a solution, lateral thinking can free the brain to be more creative -- to break out of the usual thought patterns. Just pick up the first item you see and go through the listing exercise. If that doesn't appeal, try to force fit a series of items or words to the problem at hand -- either as part of the problem or solution. Each helps the brain to see the issue from a different perspective. It works with groups and committees, too.

The selection today addresses an artist and an artwork. I have seen a number of originals by this artist in various museums. I find these works amazing and often quite calming, a wonderful gift from a tortured soul. The song also has a calming tone, yet speaks both to the beauty and mental health issues of the painter's life. Enjoy!

Vincent (Starry, Starry Night) -- Don MacLean

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