Friday, 19 September 2014

Day 262 -- Fighting Technology

Technology was supposed to help simplify our lives, right? <smile> I've spent many hours this week trying to make the classroom management software do what it claims to be able to do. Today I spent 2 hours making a 10 question quiz. When I tried to import the file into the management software, and it does list the exam software file format as importable when you check off that option, it refused to do this noting the file format was totally unfamiliar. I checked software version -- not the issue. So, I was forced to type the questions into the test bank function of the management software. Now this invariably brings increased chance of errors from a faulty typist. I was not disappointed. I made two errors that did need to be edited. So, I clicked the "edit quiz" button and it will only let me edit the quiz settings -- not content. So, I needed to delete the quiz and remake it AFTER editing the questions in the test bank. So, not functional. <sigh>

Earlier this week, I was trying to set up small group discussions on the course management site. Now this may work -- after consulting two tech gurus. To be honest, doing this sort of written discussion journal online works swimmingly with listservs or a notebook left on reserve at the library <smile>. I don't consider myself a luddite. I do many things with technology -- blogging for example <g>. It is just frustrating when a new version is rolled out without adequate cleaning of system bugs. I've encountered 6 or 7 'new' features that do not work as the tutorials suggest. It just makes tasks that should be somewhat simple and quick, grow into insurmountable peaks. Working elsewhere years ago, there would be 1/2-day workshops provided when a new software version was uploaded. We weren't forced to attend, but I found it much easier to spend that time reviewing the new features and understanding how to make things work. I have attended a session for this management software, but it outlined the new features that existed without actually having us work through each feature -- or at least those we'd use most often.

I expect some further positive outcomes will occur along with more frustrating ones. In the meantime, I'll grit my teeth and try to mutter quietly as I work in the office -- don't want anyone to hear what I'm muttering <smile>. I will say that seeing all the error messages pop up on the screen today reminded me of a song from years ago. Enjoy!

Signs -- Five Man Electrical Band

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