Thursday, 18 September 2014

Day 261 -- Leaving things undone

What is procrastination? What might be a cause of this behaviour? We all leave some things to do 'later'. Why? Are they boring? Are they difficult? Are the scary? How does one begin to address this behaviour in oneself?

Well -- what a lot of questions -- most not at all easy to answer. I've thought of these reasons and others when things sit for what seems an exceedingly long time. Things can be left to the point of panic to get them done before a deadline or to the point of embarrassment -- when we hope no one else finds out how long it took to clear something from that list. The longer ones seem to be items that we really intend to do, yet something else might be in the way -- some big ass emotional pile of baggage that paralyzes our forward movement. Addressing this baggage takes much energy and likely some pain, so we tend to bury it somewhere deep inside, even though on the outside we tell ourselves we are going to deal with it next week. Sometimes external assistance is needed to help us move past an issue -- a friend, confidante or professional. If we wait a long time, the fear and shame of telling someone we've not dealt with a key part of our lives becomes untenable -- and the circle continues.

I don't have the golden ticket for this problem -- if I did, I'd write it down and share it with the world <smile>. I do know that we need to take control of our lives and everything that involves -- not just the fun things but also unpacking all that baggage, sorting through things -- keeping what we need to and discarding the rest. Discarding could be more a recycling, like placing things at the curb on bulky waste pick-up week. The key is to work through and let go. Learning to do this is a huge challenge in life -- each item we deal with is different and the challenge continues -- sometimes it seems endless. Yet, without this, how would we grow and develop into the best person we can be?

So -- ending on another question it seems <smile>. The selection for today is another two-for -- interestingly each has the same title, yet deals with the topic in somewhat different ways. Enjoy!

It's My Life -- Bon Jovi

It's My LIfe -- The Monkees

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