Friday, 9 October 2015

Day 2 - 281 -- People Power

We are in the midst of a federal election campaign in Canada. Election day is next week, with advance polls open during this long weekend. There has been a groundswell of interest in voting amongst students on campus -- something that I haven't seen to this degree in past elections. I've encouraged students to register to vote and have had questions from several about who they should contact when there have been bumps in the process. It is exciting to see.  Earlier this week, CBC's Rick Mercer Report spent much of the half-hour weekly episode addressing the election campaigns and the Get Out the Vote campaign -- which was filmed on the St. Francis Xavier University campus. Truly exciting to see such enthusiasm from the youth voters. Like I've told them, "I don't care who you vote for, I just want you to vote." Several were headed to the advance polls this weekend, as I plan to do, since it is just outside my back yard. <smile>.

Often I've heard that a single vote doesn't count so why bother voting. Such comments make me sad and a little irked. Firstly, people do have the power to vote and yet they don't feel they can make a difference. Secondly, the right to vote shouldn't be taken lightly since many people fought so that every citizen could vote -- female, aboriginal, incarcerated -- they can all vote due to the major efforts of people in the past century.All that work should not be taken for granted. So, when I see the engagement of voters of all ages this fall, it makes me smile. This is what democracy is about -- citizen participation in the voting process.

The song that came to mind today is from an iconic singer/songwriter, philosopher, and peace activist. Today would have been his 75th birthday. Enjoy!

Power to the People -- John Lennon

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