Saturday, 31 October 2015

Day 2 - 303 -- Sweet Treats

Today is Halloween in this part of the world. It hasn't been my favourite holiday. As a kid, I'd dress up and go out with family and friends to gather candy from the neighbourhood. It felt odd going to homes of people we didn't know and asking for something. I still find this accepted form of begging somewhat unsettling. To be truthful, I have had 2 people come to the door in 17 years, so tonight I plan to go out with a friend who also dislikes the tradition of the day. I know I won't miss much at home. The house sits way back form the street -- 75-100 feet back and even with the house light on it is difficult to see in the dark walking down the driveway. I have friends who love this day and could likely do amazing things with my yard, but I'm just not there. Over my back fence is a grave yard, so I'm not sure those neighbours find the day all that exciting, either <smile>.

The one thing that I thought about today was the candy intake over the next week or so <smile>. Don't get me wrong, I eat sugary things. It seems that Halloween is the 'holiday' during which more chocolate is sold than any other holiday of the year. That surprised me, until I realized that the boxes of mini bars have been available since before Labour Day, so folks are buying several before today arrives --and eating them for 2 months. <smile>  Sadly, that chocolate is not high quality and very unlikely to be fair trade. Someone somewhere who is already very wealthy makes gobs more money from us as we buy into purchasing things way ahead of the time for their intended purpose. Christmas stuff has been out for a while and we begin the Easter egg ads long before Valentine's Day has past. The marketing of it all bothers me, I guess <smile>.

There was only one song that came to mind that fit the topic of the day. It is from a while back.It debuted on an animated show based on a comic book series. Enjoy!

Sugar, Sugar -- The Archies

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