Saturday, 31 October 2015

Day 2 - 302 -- Visiting winds

The word of the day was wind. It was a medium to strong wind varying throughout the day. The temperature was warmer in the middle of the day but was much cooler by the end of the work day. After a stop for a beverage with friends, the temperature had fallen a bit more and the wind had picked up considerably. The 3 block walk home left me very chilled even with the fleece layer under the rain and wind proof jacket. A hoodie would have helped my ears feel better, I'm sure. I guess I'll have to begin carrying a headband in my coat pocket and not just some thin mitts. That old Girl Guide training coming to the fore -- be prepared <smile>.

Wind is another meteorological event that has been used metaphorically in communications. We all know the feeling of wind pushing us in a direction we hadn't planned to travel. A gentle breeze can carry the smells of the seasons -- flowers, wet earth, or that particular smell of very cold air. It can also carry with it allergens that cause us to sneeze or become congested. In a rain storm, wind can intensify the rain, leading to that painful rain hitting your face. I've often maintained that the winter wind with snow, ice pellets or rain could be a great spa treatment since it will remove the top layer of skin and may well be used in place of a razor. <smile>

The selection of the day echoes the thoughts I've had with the winds of the past couple of days and how their ebb and flow mirror the ups and downs of our days. This is one of my favourite singers who recognized our connections to the earth. Enjoy!

Windsong -- John Denver

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