Saturday, 17 October 2015

Day 2 - 289 -- Loss of a Hero

This past week the world lost a hero. Ken Taylor, former ambassador to Iran died on Thursday.  This man was responsible for sheltering six US citizens who had escaped as their embassy in Tehran was over-run. The 1979 Iran Hostage Crisis followed that takeover, while the Canadian Caper, as it came to be called, ensured that the six people were hidden and provided with passports in order to leave the country. His life continued in the diplomatic corps and corporate world. He received many accolades for his part in the event. The Hollywood movie 'Argo'  addressed parts of the CIA role in the rescue of the six hidden people, yet it downplayed the 3-month process of hiding these people in private homes and the Canadian embassy in Tehran and issuing Canadian passports. At TIFF, Ben Afleck noted that without the Canadian role the CIA efforts would not have succeeded. A documentary called 'Our Man in Tehran' clarified the roles in the incident.

Taylor didn't talk much about the events of 1979 except to say that anyone would have done it. That seems the mark of a true hero -- they just see it as something anyone in a similar situation might try -- sort of self-deprecating. Stories of those who just do what they think is right at the time without stopping to think too much about personal threats, can be uplifting. It brings a vision that the 'milk of human kindness' does exist. Sadly, many of the everyday heroes are never reported in the evening news, which seems to have become much more sensationalist over time.

The selection for today speaks about an everyday, ordinary hero. It seemed to fit the man presented here. Enjoy!

My Hero -- Foo Fighters

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