Sunday, 14 August 2016

Day 3 - 227 -- Bitten

For me, mosquito bites don't make themselves known for about 24-36 hours after the bite -- but when they do appear, it is with a vengeance. They fester and itch like nothing else. Cream filled with antihistamine and calamine seems to help a bit. Bites last for several days like this -- huge red welts. The batch I am nursing now were likely received while watching the Perseid meteor shower the other evening. There seemed to be few bugs around except for moths and some large flies, so I didn't bother with the bug repellent. I should know better. If there is a mozzie within several miles, it will find me and then tell all its relatives and friends. I seem to get dozens of bites when others only get one or two.

Being itchy can be so infuriating. Concentration and focus go out the window and sleep follows them. Sanity can't be far behind for the grand exodus. A scourge of summer is the many biting and stinging insects and arachnids that become more plentiful. Thankfully, I rarely am bitten as I tend not to spend oodles of time outside and if I do, I've bathed in repellent beforehand. So, I have no one to blame but myself for my current six or so madness-inducing bumps.

A line from a song that came to mind today fits the idea of being bitten unknowingly. Granted, my situation was not at all the same as the one described by the lyricist. Enjoy!

Old Blue Chair -- Kenny Chesney

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