Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Day 4 - 3 -- Almost Time to Start

It is now about twelve hours before my first class of this term. Today was spent trying to prep the slides for tomorrow and Thursday (all three Day 1 intros). The second lecture for two courses was completed. The third is partly done.So, these will be done by end of day tomorrow. This will leave me with time to deal with exams from Saturday morning on the weekend and know that I have lectures ready for Monday and Tuesday next week, at least. Grading won't be done in one day, but hopefully I can get a good start with the pile of paper. Trying to mete out the time to ensure all bits get done for students to do the readings before class may be tricky, but I'll find a way to get things somewhat together on time. It may not be perfect, but it will be functional. <smile>

A major wind and precip storm is headed this way overnight tonight. We expect 15-20 mm rain, but will have ice pellets and the potential for freezing rain briefly prior to temps rising above freezing to turn to rain. It may be a day for walking to avoid driving on hills and bridges with ice coating. I'll need to dig out the ice grippers just in case, it seems.

The anticipation of classes beginning and a storm blowing in brought some lyrics from a long ago song racing through my mind.  Love this singer who left the world way too soon. Enjoy!

Everyday -- Buddy Holly

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