Sunday, 8 January 2017

Day 4 - 8 -- Swirling Thoughts

The storm last night was quieter than expected. There was wind, but it wasn't the howling suggested by forecasters. The ice pellets and freezing rain lasted for a short period of time characterized by the pelts blown against the windows. I laid in bed for a while after waking deciding when or if I should look out the window. I knew I had a date with a shovel, but wasn't sure how much work was out there until looking. There was less depth on the porch than often occurs with nor'easters. Had the wind been stronger and more prolonged, the drift would have been nasty. As it was, the snow seemed to be mid-calf level in most areas. The shoveling took me about an hour to reach the car -- about 75 feet from the house, though the steps and small walk way parallel to the house did take longer than usual. Once I started the long walkway to the street, I managed a rhythm that helped things move along. I paused often staring at the sky and the whiteness falling out of the grey clouds. I had another 45 minutes later in the day where I cleared out behind the car after the backhoe had come to clear the driveway. Sadly, the street plow went by after this, so there was a lot of ice stuff to move before it froze solid with the major temperature drop overnight. This stuff was 2 feet wide and at least as high. The sidewalk plow wasn't out today, but will go by around 6-7 AM, so there will be more of the same from the knee-deep snow laying on the sidewalk. It seems to never end -- moving snow from the same place over and over. Then I still have to do the back porch and stairs and clear a path around the side of the house -- oh, and clear off the car for a Tuesday outing.. So -- at least two more sessions involved to clear it all. Some rain is expected for Wednesday, so this other has be to done prior to that.

Shoveling allows the mind to go to many of the corners that are often ignored -- all those 'elephant in the room' topics. There are several items that bring stress, so tucking them away can help. When one or more are uncovered, they need to be faced head on. It doesn't mean that a solution comes to mind, but acknowledging the clutter and the need to deal with it are part of these sojourns. The physical labour of moving snow can help with those topics that bring on frustrations. The rhythm of muscles and breathing help, too. Between shoveling bouts, I spent time finishing laundry and grading final exams from yesterday. Lots more to do with those papers, but at least the process has begun.

I'm sharing a song that fit well with the thinking that accompanied the snow moving. The song builds,  crescendos and ebbs in a complex manner -- much like the ideas swirling in my mind today. Many singers have covered this one, so I chose one that seemed to be interesting to me today. Enjoy!

The Windmills of Your Mind -- Petulia Clark

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