Saturday, 11 March 2017

Day 4 - 70 -- Cold Day

While it has been below freezing for a few days, last night it got very cold. The big wind made for major windchills then as it will again tonight. Some snow fell overnight -- just a couple of inches. I chose to leave them until tomorrow, when both the ambient air temperature and the 'feel like' temperature would be more bearable. It won't take long to push the bit of snow off the walkway, porches and stairs. I'll likely remove what is on the car then, too. All of this work will make the early start on Monday easier to navigate -- especially after the loss of an hour tonight due to the time change.

Indoors today, weekly housework and laundry were done. Most of the day was filled with grading 138 exams and calculating and recording the grades -- a great many hours to do those processes. Even when I felt it was done, the calculation and recording steps took a couple more hours. There is more grading waiting for me tomorrow along with other household chores, but this one large piece is now completed. The many other items on the 'to do' list will take smaller bits of time to finish, though there are many there -- likely more than will fit in one day. I'll wade through as many as possible.

Reflecting on the moments of the day and the weather brought a song lyric to mind. While not actually referencing cold, it does fit with the reflective component of the day. Enjoy!

Freeze Frame -- J. Geils Band

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