Thursday, 23 March 2017

Day 4 - 82 -- More Snow!

An early call this morning from the campus emergency system noted a delayed start would occur at noon. I had two classes that should have occurred before then. I waited a bit and when things appeared to be slowing, I headed out to shovel. With lower temperatures, 6-8 inches of fluffy, light snow had fallen. Spring must be close as the ground did not freeze overnight. Shoveling was a challenge as the shovel kept catching in the mud under it all. When I returned to the house, a voice message was waiting to say the campus would remain closed until tomorrow morning due to continued snow and blowing snow causing white out conditions. The street plow and sidewalk plow did not go by until mid-afternoon, when the sun shone between clouds.

To be truthful, I have no desire to move the snow thrown up by the plows. Instead, I called my plow operator and asked him to clear out the stuff left behind when he had a moment. There isn't oodles. I could do this in an hour, but the desire has left me entirely. I am so over this big snow. Spring does have snow, but smaller amounts in a single day would be more manageable. I expect much of this will melt when the sun shines over the next few days -- shining between the other snow clouds. Temperatures are to be below normal and below freezing for the next week or so -- interesting when Ontario is expecting double digit highs -- not sure where that air mass is headed.

One song was in my mind throughout the day. It has appeared in this blog before, but it was a long time ago. My only change to the lyrics would be the month in the final stanza should be changed. <smile> Enjoy!

I Hate the Friggin' Snow -- G. Salvia

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