Today is Dietitians' Day. There were snacks of fresh fruit before our department seminar this afternoon. The day falls in the middle of March, which is the middle of Nutrition Month. The theme for this month this year is "Stop the food fight" -- focusing on the need to make peace with food and learn to enjoy it again -- without feeling guilty, the need to deal with family interactions around meal times to make them less confrontational, and how we can manage food-related chronic disease or allergies and intolerances. It seems a positive approach to eating for health, satisfaction and enjoyment.
Today is also the day we celebrate the birthday of my furry companion, who is six this year. Time does go by quickly. I have a cupcake to eat with my chai this evening and he received a new toy and some extra attention and brushing. I hope there was some sun to sit in during the day.
Only one song seemed to fit the revelry of the day. It says exactly what I have been thinking. Enjoy!
Celebrate -- Kool and the Gang
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