Music is a spice of life! I plan to post a musical selection each day of the year, based on reflection on events of my days.
Saturday, 30 September 2017
Day 4 - 273 -- Limping Around
The word of the day -- ouch. Last evening I developed a rather sore foot. I applied heat and rested it. It felt better this morning, until I'd walked down the hall to the kitchen. Since then it has been more sore than not. It appears to be plantar fasciitis <sigh>. I did have a bout of this 4 years ago, but this seems worse. Either that, or I just don't recall how painful it was. I do know it hurt a lot last time. So, Monday will involve a trip to the physio to help with the pain while I do the stretches and ice the darn thing. Not to walk on hard surfaces is difficult, since the house isn't carpeted. Not sure how I'll manage at work or get groceries. Yuck. I need new runners, but had planned to purchase online. I may change that plan and go to the sports store and see what things actually feel like. I'll need the dynamic foot support specific for women. I've liked my last pair, but may need something different -- we'll see what the physio recommends.
Pain of any sort can be fatiguing. Thankfully most work this weekend involves grading and preparing slides for lectures, so no standing needed there. Working for a good sleep sounds like a good plan. I just want this to limp away and let me walk again <sigh>. That brought a song line to my head. <smile> Enjoy!
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