Keeping a positive view can be almost impossible when feeling so tired. Working through the fatigue can help. While productivity may be a bit less or things take a bit longer to complete, accomplishing something can add to the positive feeling. As I've noted often here, being aware of internal feelings can help manage external pressures more positively. Pleasant interactions with people around you can help, too. It pulls us outside ourselves and forces us to interact in a socially acceptable fashion <smile>. And maybe that is what it is all about -- smiling.
The song shared often comes to mind when feeling a bit less than perfect. It might have been the time of year and not just the events of the day. Six years ago the singer of this song died (Feb 29, 2012). The songwriter was also a favourite of mine. So listen to the soothing lyrics and voice. Enjoy!
Early Morning Blues and Greens -- The Monkees (sung by Davy Jones and written by Jack Keller)