Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Day 5 - 45 -- Seeing Red

I wore red today -- the sweater for Valentine's Day and the mitts to cheer on the Canadian Olympic team. The latter are the Vancouver Olympic mitts from 2010. The day was full. It began with a midterm. It is one of the few days of the week that I often have time to sit away from my desk for lunch, so I spent some time with colleagues today. Meetings with students followed along with working on the midterm from today while getting the one for tomorrow ready to go. I'd hoped to get home to begin grading earlier than I did, so I haven't gotten as far as I wanted to be by bedtime. There are not enough hours <sigh>.

Valentine's day has not been one that I've ever gone all out over. Like many 'holidays' it seems to be overly commercialized -- expectations set in place for many people of what a perfect day looks like and it just never appears. So, I've not even tried to find the myth promoted by marketers. I'm not a chocolate fan, so that part of the day isn't missed. <smile> Today was warmer with sunshine in the morning. That made the day work for me.

Listening to the morning show today I heard that one song was rated highest as the most romantic song. It is OK, but I had another in mind. Today, I'll share each of these with you. The first is the one that was mentioned by broadcasters today. The two singers produced this song quickly for a movie of the same title. It began as an instrumental, then a solo song and ended as a duet. The second song was the theme for a movie, too. The female singer co-wrote the song. I'll leave it up to you to determine which is better or maybe you have another that checks all the boxes for you. Feel free to share. Enjoy!

Endless Love -- Lionel Richie & Diana Ross

Evergreen -- Barbra Streisand & Kris Kristofferson

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