Thursday, 15 February 2018

Day 5 - 46 -- Needs and Wants

Bright sun greeted me this morning. It was strong and warm, though the air felt cool. I did get out for a short walk when I went over to pick up exams from the accessible learning centre. It helped me recentre a bit. Uncharacteristic episodes of communication with others filled the day. I was so tired that I couldn't put a coherent sentence together as the afternoon wore on. The lab sessions went well with many smiles and work on projects due after the break week. That helped me to keep a clearer head, too.

When everyone around appears tired and on the verge of madness, the support each of us needs simply can't be found. Taking a few moments to take stock of what might be going on in the lives of others, may help with how we respond. Rather than confusion and anger or frustration, trying to address things with compassion would serve us better. When everyone is overwhelmed and over stressed, this becomes much more important -- communication disintegrates without the extra care and effort. It takes so much more effort when exhausted, yet without that things can descend into negative areas way too quickly. Stepping back to look at things from a different vantage point might help one to see the absurdity of situations -- leading to a smile or a laugh, which might defuse a tense moment.

Yesterday in a conversation, I quoted a song title. The lyrics clearly note that we can't always win, and that needs and wants aren't always the same things. This is from a band that has been together for almost 56 years. Enjoy!

You Can't Always Get What You Want -- The Rolling Stones

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