Sunday, 18 February 2018

Day 5 - 48 -- Concentrating on Rest

The world had a thin coating of white this morning. Nothing needed to be moved, though. Instead I spent time grading a midterm and dong laundry. The turkey breast I cooked earlier in the week was turned into a la king and served with warm biscuits -- a comfort food with family memories. More on the 'to cook' list for the weekend, but that will wait for tomorrow.

Working away with my red pen today, I enjoyed my breaks to see the bright sun outside the windows. My mood brightened a bit today, though the fatigue is still all consuming. I'm hoping it recedes a bit over the next week. This break week brings time to recoup and refocus -- time to take care of body and mind. Time is necessary for examining thoughts and feelings to ensure they can be redirected to more positive lines as needed. Sleep helps the brain to function effectively and efficiently. Without adequate rest, self reflection just won't work the way we expect. Thus, it appears that dealing with the fatigue comes first in the equation. Efforts will concentrate on this in the next few days. Perhaps this will assist with banishing the over the top anxiety dreams of late <smile>.

This line of reasoning brought a song lyric to mind - one that suggests the removal of a  negative part of one's days. It is an older song from an album that I'm sure I nearly wore out. The video clearly shows the fashion of the day. Enjoy!

Go Your Own Way -- Fleetwood Mac

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