Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Day 5 - 36 -- Win for the Day

The weather was wild today. Temperatures were record setting being close to 12C at the peak. It poured rain -- almost 2 inches overnight and during the day. When out this afternoon, the wind drove the rain in almost solid sheets against the car. I was glad not to be walking far in the mess. Rain stopped by late afternoon. So much water and it is freezing again overnight, so I'm afraid of how much ice will be around tomorrow.

I feel that I'm stuck in a repeating loop -- in the weather experienced and in my thought processes. I was chatting with someone today about my worry that I was in a rut. She changed the metaphor and stated that being on a plateau wasn't a bad place to be -- no sliding downwards or struggling to scale the cliffs ahead. That made me think of a lovely alpine meadow -- truly a lovely place to spend time. That short conversation made me feel more positive despite the confusion of the day. Confusion over day and time was everywhere I turned so I wasn't alone. I'm going to take that and the plateau metaphor as win for the day <smile>.

Last month, I missed the 75th anniversary of the birth of Janis Joplin. Her ability to interpret the blues brought a powerful, emotional style. Lyrics of one of her songs state that we all have a fire inside us that we need to nurture as we push onward -- paraphrased. I share that song here. It was recorded on her first solo album after leaving Big Brother and the Holding Company. The song has been called one that defined her short career. Enjoy!

Kosmic Blues -- Janis Joplin

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