Sunday, 11 January 2015

Day 2-10 -- Spontaneity

Well -- today began with the usual Saturday housework followed by a bout of shovelling snow and cleaning off the car. The sun was lovely even though a bit blinding at times as it reflected off the ice and water on the roads. While I didn't get through that infamous 'to do' list, I did manage to get a number of tasks done for home and for work. The day ended with a spontaneous dinner out with a friend -- a wonderful respite and recharge. It was like having a chance to breathe <smile>. Sometimes it seems I need to remind myself  -- or maybe it is to give myself permission -- to just breathe and move forward.

I found myself thinking of how much I appreciated the change in plans for the evening. I recognized that this was something that I missed often with my current work lifestyle -- there are times when one simply can't fit in a fun spontaneous event. So, when I am able to take advantage of such events, it adds a sense of normalcy to my life -- a sense of freedom as it were. Perhaps it has to do with a sense of control over one's life. Mental health, and some aspects of physical health, depend on a perception of control -- having choices. Many people lack the ability to make choices due to social, economic, and political factors in their daily lives. For some, it may be the perception that they lack choice, but for many there are definite barriers in place that limit choices. Socioeconomic status is a key aspect of life that can limit or expand choices. Social-psychological barriers can be put in place by school yard bullies, social stigma and larger political oppression. What I experienced today is far less than what many others experience, but it can help me to empathize with people in different situations.

Thinking of a song for these thoughts led me to settle on one. To me the lyrics focus on the need to take a moment to recognize where you are and appreciate everything around you. Enjoy!

Breathe -- Bon Jovi

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