Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Day 2-13 -- Feeling Lucky?

The day began with more snow than expected and big wind to make it feel even colder. The winds dropped through the day but so did the temperature. Shovelling when I got home at supper was a cold job, but at least the snow was light and not the sodden mass it often is.  At work technology was not with us. We were set up to bring in a guest lecturer by distance, and both hardware and software issues arose. We plan to try this again later in the week.

Luck is an interesting concept, viewed by many cultures in slightly different ways -- joss, karma, fate, destiny. The concept often brings with it an aspect of 'getting what we deserve' -- so some action of our own has brought either less than pleasant things or wonderful events into our lives. I'm not sure what I've done in my life to make technology fail me today -- and the many arguments I've had with software in the past few months. I could  anthropomorphise these technologies and believe that they have something against me -- but that may not help with the longer term situation <smile>.  While technology was promised to make our lives easier, I often get flashbacks of HAL talking to Dave -- somewhat unsettling thoughts that the machines are getting smarter than the operators. <grin>

I will say that I felt luck was not with me for some parts of my day, though upon reflection  much of it did go well. Maybe it wasn't according to my wishes in all respects, but it was not what I'd consider a bad day -- just one with a few unexpected challenges.  The song today deals with perceptions of luck and is sung by one of my favourite, distinctive voices. Enjoy!

Some Guys have All the Luck -- Rod Stewart

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