Thursday, 15 January 2015

Day 2-15 -- Musical Solace

Much of today went well, though the pace was rather brisk most of the time -- not much time for taking a moment to breathe.  Working through the tasks at hand moved things along, with some  being completed and off my desk -- finally <smile>.

I spoke with someone today who is in a dark place. While we know that life is not fair, it can be incomprehensible why one individual must deal with a number of catastrophic events.  From our chat, I heard that others had recognized the situation and done what they could  -- gestures that wouldn't fix the situations, but would let this person know that people cared. I do my best to communicate this in small ways including being there to listen when someone needs to talk or just hear another voice. It seems small when put up beside such major life issues; yet, I hope it shows that someone cares and that we are not alone on this journey.

When pondering this all further on my own, it can make me feel quite helpless and frustrated. The song that came to me offered solace. The music is calming as is the repetitive nature of the lyrics.  Enjoy!

Let it Be -- The Beatles

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