Saturday, 24 January 2015

Day 2-24 -- A State of Mind?

Skies were grey most of the day and once the sun set the drizzle became outright rain.  It is interesting that weather can affect moods. Grey days can bring on grey feelings. When we describe an overcast or rainy day, we use words like morose, gloomy, dull, or even sad.  Most parts of the world experience rainy days or at least parts of days. So, why is this considered negative?  Rain does help plants to grow, rivers to run and air to clear.  Without rain we'd encounter less food. These sound like reasons to dance in the rain, yet it suppresses our feelings somehow, even it we aren't fully aware of it.

So -- I can't say that today was a sad feeling day for me. Tasks went along as usual. So maybe it is a state of mind -- could it be a more concious choice than we think? One song line made me rethink the impact weather has on us. Perhaps we can over-ride the negative feelings with a concious effort to enjoy the day for all the positives rain can bring -- a reset of our subconscious minds, if you will.

The selection for today discusses reactions to rain and may lead to that that mind reset. It is sung by a well known group that appears in this blog often. Enjoy!

Rain -- The Beatles

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