Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Day 2-63 -- Feeling Inspired

Today was a full day at work. Classes and student meetings went well and were productive. The highlight of the day was a seminar by a Lt.Col with the Canadian Armed Forces. She is the chief Food Service Officer at National Defence. She provided a wonderful overview of her Forces career across Canada and around the world. It is not all food service related, but that has been her main focus. It created much interest in the students, who hadn't really considered who was responsible for feeding troops at home and on deployment.

I found much of the specifics she spoke about reminded me of the work of Florence Nightingale during the Crimean War. She altered food service in hospitals, altered diets for some of the wounded, struggled with procurement officers for release of stores, began the controversy of centralized vs. decentralized institutional kitchens -- all topics that continue to this day building on the work she began in the mid-1800s. I so enjoy being in a place where we are able to bring in speakers -- in person or through technology. Learning of new research or career experiences can be very inspirational. I've found seminar speakers and speakers at conferences can provide a needed revitalization of interest in things that have turned into 'work' rather than the joy they began as <smile>. I got that feeling today.

The selection for today addresses the inspiration to look at some of the research work with a new view -- how to re-engage with that 'dream.'  The video is from a movie but the audio for this one is better. Enjoy!

What a Feeling -- Irene Cara

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