Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Day 2-69 -- Vague Stress Feelings

For some reason, today brought some stressful feelings. There isn't a single item that seems to be the root cause -- there is just this looming presence that coloured the day grey.  I am tired and feeling a bit under the weather (so to speak) and even the sun and minor melting didn't seem to push the dread away. A couple projects are not moving forward as they should, so perhaps some of that anxiety is just catching up with me today. Maybe completing the work-life balance survey for my employer got me thinking about the imbalances that exist -- things I don't get to do nearly as much as I'd like due to the size of the workload. That isn't new, it just reminded me of it all. The feeling will pass <smile>. After all, stress is a part of life and expecting it to be stress-free is nonsensical.

So -- I tried the 'three things' technique tonight to see if that could turn the mood around. As usual that showed me that the day was not all bad and helped me to focus on some of the 'good things' that happened -- things that I may not have given adequate attention at the time..
1) The dripping water coming in through the exhaust fan in the kitchen (woke me at 2:30 AM) seemed to  abate by the time I left for work. 2) The sun was very bright when I left work this evening. The water on the road created some glare -- something I haven't seen for a long while. It was pleasant to see the sun and feel the warmth. 3) Two comments from friends made me smile and laugh. These brief breaks in the day can relieve some of the tension even momentarily.

The lyrics of the selection for today address the need to trust that things will take you back to that place of normalcy and comfort. It is from a British band that I've just encountered. This is the title song of their debut album with amazing harmonies. Enjoy!

Let the Road (take you home) -- Rixton

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