Sunday, 15 March 2015

Day 2- 74 -- blizzard, birthday and building castles in the air

Can you say blizzard?  I'm so tired of saying and seeing this meteorological event. It has been blowing since last night. I moved about 10 inches or more from the porch steps and small front walkway.  The walkway had drifted to be above my knees. Forecasts say another 2-4 inches overnight, (but could be 6-12 inches!), another 2 inches tomorrow. and two days later another 6+ inches. Street ploughs haven't been by as they would have been pulled from roads in many places due to minimal visibility.  The meteorologists said these were the last two storms of winter -- said somewhat tongue in cheek since spring arrives just after that and all subsequent storms will be spring storms.  Really?? Do you think people need to hear you poke fun <grump>.

There is so much new and old snow that the piled area is as high as the porch -- leaving little room to put the snow there and meaning the need to walk elsewhere to dump a shovel full. I fondly recall the year I interviewed for the job here. It was the third week of March and the crocuses were blooming. Being from the prairies, I thought I could certainly live with that <smile>. The first two winters here had little snow -- just one or two major snow falls that disappeared with warmer temperatures directly after. I've not seen anything quite like this year, though.

On an up note, we had a birthday in the house today for a short furry soul and between grading papers I cooked cinnamon buns. Dreaming of warmer days with less snow was a big part of the day, though, which brought the song for the day into my head. The singer is originally from a couple hours down the road, so she knows snow <smile>. Love the lyrics, melody and the wonderful vocals.This video is from the first cross-Canada concert tour -- not the greatest quality, but it is her at the beginning of a major career. We saw her as a family outing in Saskatchewan then. Enjoy!

Snowbird -- Anne Murray

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