Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Day 2-83 -- Promises

Today was sunny with a promise that Spring may really be on the way -- not quickly, but on its way. The 'to do' list moved slowly, too, but it moved <smile>. Positive outcomes occurred for several class activities. It is pleasant to see things nearing completion and feeling a sense of accomplishment. That feeling, even if brief, can keep the motivation going by providing much needed feedback and validation.

Even with all the positive energy in the air today, there were moments of sarcasm and frustration. Given the incredible fatigue I've felt, my filters are off and little things threaten to squash the flickers of optimism. So, even on a good day, there are moments that are not perfect. Imagine! <sarcastic smile>  When things seem to head off into the woods, it generally means that it is time to take a break, recentre, and start fresh. This, too, can create further stress -- adding to the time needed to get through the overfull task list. But, just as spring will arrive, there is the promise that the list will be completed.

Perhaps it is being tired, but the song that stuck with me today is one that has seen much overplay recently. The lyrics speak to ways to deal with unpleasantness as it sneaks into the day. As much as the song has set itself up for multiple parodies, listening to the original lyrics is worth the 3 to 4 minutes. Enjoy!

Shake it Off -- Taylor Swift

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