Saturday, 7 March 2015

Day 2-66 -- Springing Forward

Tonight brings with it the semi-annual time change -- spring forward.  Given that I lived in Saskatchewan for the majority of my life, I still find this event just plain odd.  There seems few reasons left to continue the time change that was put in place to help farmers when things were far less mechanized that now. It seems that getting the light in the morning is so pleasant, and this switch will take that away in favour of a brighter end of the afternoon.  It is a trade-off.

Several things bother me about the effects a seemingly simple one-hour time change can bring. It takes people a week or so to get back to 'normal.'  I encounter many tired and cranky people around time change <smile>. Accidents increase for the few days after the change. This simple hour seems to wreak havoc with circadian rhythms and sleep patterns. And who has tried to reason with companion animals who insist that it is feeding time? They, too, take a week or more to readjust.

I'm sure I'll manage my way through this change, just as in past years, though I'll still question the process. After all, losing an hour of one's day can be monumental. <g>. One song came to mind that fits the event and the bureaucracy behind its continuation. I love this cover from a tribute to the original singer-songwriter. Enjoy!

The Times They are A-Changing -- Tracy Chapman

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