Friday, 2 June 2017

Day 4 - 153 -- Aaaah-CHOO

In a morning phone call, a friend sneezed as she answered the phone and several times as we spoke. I've been congested more this week than for a long while. It seems the flowering trees and shrubbery have filled the air with particles of pollen that in turn create allergic responses in many people. Don't get me wrong, it is beautiful out there. It just becomes difficult to breathe. There are sprays and pills designed to alleviate such symptoms, but many can create weariness and some even increase risk of cataracts. My MD once said, we can fix a cataract, but you have to be breathing to do that. He was being facetious, of course, but it made me think. I try to use a saline spray daily rather than other nasal sprays. Taking pill form meds is done judiciously, depending on symptoms. But that is all we can do -- treat the symptoms. It lasts for much of the summer, with differing triggers throughout the season. This may be another reason, that I find Fall and Winter to be more pleasant -- well, winter without the snow and ice, but cold enough to squelch the herbaceous allergens.

A song came to mind today, but one that appears goofy given current day zeitgeist. Lyrics cover the situation we find ourselves in as the pollen count becomes part of the daily weather report. The duo lyricist and composer are renowned -- Rogers and Hammersein. While they had some stellar musicals to their credit, there were many that were less so. This song comes from one of those (Carousel) -- still interesting given the historical time it was set in --a time of the 'simple life' --something that most likely misrepresented society at any point in time. As an entertainment escapist piece, though, it worked. I've chosen a version by one of the big band leaders. Enjoy!

June is Bustin' Out All Over -- Benny Goodman and his orchestra ft. Kay Peyton

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