Sunday, 4 June 2017

Day 4 - 155 -- Spinning in Circles

Getting ready for next week took most of the day. Meeting preparation seems like a struggle today. Anxiety took over early after waking. I'm trying to focus on some of the other things planned for the week such as visiting with a couple of friends. It has been a long time between sit downs together, so that thought makes me smile and breathe <smile>.

Anxiety makes even little parts of a plan difficult. What should I wear? Will it rain? What if we run late? Some things we have control over and others we don't. Worrying about things outside our control seems a waste of energy, yet it still seems to happen -- regularly. So, knowledge alone can't change how we feel or act. Moving thoughts to the rational part of the mind and away from the emotional part can help. This takes a lot of practice to learn, but it can help people caught up in the circular thinking of anxiety.

The song line I heard repeating in my head today is from a song first heard in the '60s. The version shared here, successfully combines two musical genres. Enjoy!

Don't Worry Baby -- Lorrie Morgan & The Beach Boys

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