Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Day 4 - 164 -- Needing a break

The day began with a failed alarm -- TV came on but not with any volume to wake me. Since the sun comes up early at this time of year, it took a while for me to realize there was a light in the room from opposite the window. Thankfully, there was nothing urgent scheduled for the morning. By lunch time, I had a pain that hasn't visited for a long time. Again, thankfully, I travel with a mini-pharmacy so could take the requisite med for this. Sadly this can take two days to get the blood levels high enough to manage the problem. In the meantime, I do my best to carry on. While I was tired to begin the day, this visitation didn't help me feel any more perky. A technological help session didn't run for the full afternoon as advertised, so I missed that. There will more sessions in the coming weeks, so things will be explained as I need them before Fall. Another tech desk visit helped with the difficulty with the phone connecting to e-mail. It now does. The IP address and mail server have several names and have changed in the past year, so I'm glad they understood which to try as I'd never have gotten the nuances straight.

Thunder storms swirled around us in late afternoon. I headed home before things got into full motion. It seems the worst cells of the storm moved south of town, so we had only a bit of thunder and a short downpour. Weather forecasters tell us that tomorrow will be cooler, but they have said that for today and we were still at 28C or more -- feeling like mid 30s with the humidity. I hope that things do cool off outside and inside. I know I complain about the piles of snow in winter, but the heat of summer is unbearable and makes me so uncomfortable. Spring and Fall are the best in my books. <smile>.

Thinking of my physical situation today I smiled at the song title that came to mind. It also fit my psychological place today. The singer is a keyboardist from New Orleans area. Enjoy!

Sick and Tired -- Fats Domino

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