Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Day 4 - 178 -- Micro-moments to Relax

This has been a day with almost every minute tagged for some activity or meeting. It began with meetings to organize meetings <smile>, followed by a dental visit for the regular cleaning and check. After a quick lunch, I listened to a great conference call with an amazing food advocate from the UK. I've used his writing in classes before and a recent paper was the subject of the food sustainability talk today. I had to leave during the questions to run across campus to a short meeting about an event being planned for the end of the week. Back to my building to observe a presentation by a student. Then a youth organization worked in our food labs to prepare dinner. I floated around to help where I could and to get the food loaded for delivery to the dining area.

To be truthful it was all fun. Also, it left me a bit tired at the end of the day. <smile> There were moments when I just wanted to sit for 5 minutes and gather my wits about me. This occurred when things seemed to be flying in multiple directions and I just needed to re-centre. Recognizing this seems a good step forward. Also, finding a way to do this recentering quickly worked well, so I could continue to help those working in three different areas get what they needed.

While escape may be too strong a word for the feeling, this song seemed to cover part of what I faced today. The music has a calming effect. The vocals by a Canadian singer aid in the relaxed focus of the song. Enjoy!

The Great Escape -- Patrick Watson

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