Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Day 4 - 179 -- Ignoring the Signs

It was another day of disparate activities to keep me occupied. The sky was cloudy until late afternoon, when the clouds disappeared to leave clear blue sky -- like a wand waved across the sky. I was behind on one project that I presented to a colleague today. The rest of the story will be completed by tomorrow to share. Other work duties intervened on my planned to do list timing, so I'm about a week to week and a half behind. I'll be working tomorrow to catch up on parts of several projects so I can add the next major summer project  next week.

While working through events of the past week, I realized today that there had been several signs that I'd missed along the way. When reexamining events, I realized that several were clearly related to a single topic area. It took me reviewing the major events to recognize the relationships. The signs were there, yet I was not fully connecting the dots between them. It seems I was caught up in what was happening inside me instead of outside -- so reacting rather than understanding. It seems to occur when I'm tired or feeling overwhelmed. 

The song for today came to mind when I realized I'd missed the signs. This is performed by a Canadian band from the '70s. Enjoy! 

Signs -- Five Man Electrical Band

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