Friday, 30 June 2017

Day 4 - 180 -- Choices

Choice entered the conversations and thoughts of the day from many directions. A conversations with an acquaintance who has incorporated new habits into a healthier lifestyle, brought forth the idea. In the middle of the produce section of the grocery store, we discussed the activity component of the new habits. To bring that into life was difficult to do -- the exact phrasing was that it was hard to "find the time." Their face changed and then they said, "no, hard to make the time."  That small word change carried a world of meaning -- meaning that encompassed the choice of the lifestyle change. It isn't visited upon us, but is our choice.

This fits so many aspects of daily life. Food, activity, leisure time activities -- all become our choices when we view them as ours to do. Being proactive rather than reactive can be a key idea here. How we choose to react to events around us is a choice, yet it can often feel like it isn't. Of course there are things that are outside our control like will it rain on our fireworks event on the weekend <smile>. I did hear another conversation about this aspect of choice. A young woman noted that her parents had been planning to move from their home country when they heard a former Prime Minister of Canada speak in their nation. This sparked their decision to move to Canada. The young woman was born here, so she said it wasn't her choice, but that it was a choice she was happy her parents had made. That made me think of my family. My grandfather emigrated in the early 20th C. and the other side of the family emigrated in the mid-19th C. Without their choices to move here, I would not likely have been born, and certainly wouldn't have been born a Canadian. I've met many people who have moved here from all over the world to build a life for them and their families. In so doing, they've further built a nation.

Gratitude for my ancestors' choices isn't a new feeling, but the conversations today made me think through it all again. Several songs fit with the various parts of the theme of the day. One I've used several times before in the blog, so I chose <smile> to use a new song today. It is by a first generation immigrant and has been  used around the world in various forms. I use it here for the messages of hope, peace and strength. Enjoy!

Wavin' flag -- K'Naan 

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