The day was fairly mundane. A new cold symptom arrived -- congested Eustachian tube on the side not most involved during the worst of the cold. Two meetings went well and I got more boxes unpacked. Only four remain to be emptied.
I heard a newer hip hop artist on the morning show today. She won the Polaris Prize for music -- given to the album of the year with the most artistic components. Her album "13th Floor" contains 13 tracks. The album title points to the social mores of avoiding things that are really there -- like going from the 12th to the 14th floor. In her rhyming she describes experiences as a woman of colour in general society as well as within the hip hop industry. Much of her lyrics are empowering and show her tenacity.
An example from the new album is shared here. It chronicles her struggles in the music industry. Enjoy!
In Women Colour -- Haviah Mighty
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