Sunday, 27 October 2019

Day 6 - 299 -- Curmudgeon?

Laundry was finished today -- YAY!  I still need to get out the winter clothes and freshen them, but there will be other days for that. <smile> Bits of the cleaning on the bit 'to do' list were done. Some of the less frequent tasks will happen in the coming days, too. What did get done was setting up the schedule for things that need doing in the coming week. The most important will be at the beginning of the week. I chose to stream reruns of a favourite show in the background while working around the house today, as there still seems to be little of interest on the channels. Perhaps this is because the horror genre and Halloween specials hold little interest for me. The Food Network is on free preview this month and all that seems to be on the schedule are baking competition shows with Halloween cake bakes. How different are all of these anyway? After one episode, I was done.

Perhaps I'm getting more curmudgeonly as time goes on <smile>. I do recognize that I am not the target audience for many genres, programs and advertisements. Some of this is age-related, but not all of it is accounted for by that one reason. A friend told me once that I was too logical <grin>. Who me? That may be why I find some broad- and narrow-casting to be such drivel. Much plays to a non-thinking audience -- well not thinking critically, at least. Don't get me wrong, I do find entertainment in television programs and movies. I suppose I am picky about the type of shows I choose -- which tend to rely on my mood on any given day.

Time to get down off my soapbox. <smile> I will change the tune for the next blog and quit my complaining. <smile>  The song today speaks to getting stuck in a routine and needing to move on. The melody and rhythm are repetitive in places that emphasize the sameness of it all. Enjoy!

Turn the Page -- Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band

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