Today was quiet -- mercifully so after the late night party on the street. <smile> I was blinded by the brightness as I climbed the stairs from the basement when doing last of the laundry today. It has been some time since that happened. The furry one sat in the sunshine on the kitchen floor, which turns him gold as the undercoat jumps to the forefront. Gorgeous. The yard looked less dismal with the sun shining through the leaves and onto the grass. Picture perfect day after the extended cloud and rain days. Forecasts note the next couple of days will be warmer, too. It was down to freezing overnight but should be almost 20C tomorrow with a low in the mid-teens.
How did I spend the day? Finishing weekend chores and doing a bit of cooking. Didn't get all planned tasks completed, but the main ones were done. I watched a movie that made me smile, and wrote the catch-up blogs. A quiet day, but one that felt good.
The song shared today presents sunshine as a positive in life. The singer was an icon. enjoy!
Hello Sunshine -- Aretha Franklin
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