Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Day 6 - 281 -- What if. . . ?

On this date 79 years ago, a man was born, one who would have major impact on social and cultural directions. John Lennon used words to put ideas of love and peace into the world. Many of his lyrics were poetic and thoughtful. As part of the Beatles, he was instrumental in setting fashion trends, musical directions, concept album ideas, cultural norms and social mores. He was far from perfect, but his communication of peaceful values showed his good side.

There are many past individuals, famous and not, who have changed the world in their own small way. Some  had greater impacts due to fame, while others had more local or regional effects that people notice but may not know who was responsible. Thought leaders bring people together around ideas that need to be discussed. Often such topics are the 'elephants in the room' -- we all recognize them, but choose to look in a different direction or to ignore their presence. Once someone gives us the permission to speak about such things, it can be extremely freeing -- emancipatory even. Paradigm shifts begin with one or two people proposing a new construct or supporting one that has been in existence but ridiculed or disregarded for some time. Altering the status quo isn't easy, but can often be worthwhile. I've wondered often what the world might have been like without these individuals. I will admit that I can't imagine what might be without them.

The song for today is one of Lennon's that summarizes his worldview. It has caused some consternation when phrases have been taken out of context. The whole, however, gives one pause and starts interesting thought processes. Enjoy!

Imagine -- John Lennon

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