Saturday, 26 October 2019

Day 6 - 298 -- Sad State of Television

This has been a fall day. Temperatures were much cooler than past days with full cloud and showers. Happily, my work today was all inside work. Laundry and some housekeeping duties happened. I spent time making a big pot of stew with dumplings. It was perfect for this cooler day -- a very yummy supper.

Again today I asked the air, "How can there be nothing worth watching when there are a couple of hundred channels" (not counting the other 200 that are repeated due to HD and non-HD availability).  The same movies have been on the movie channels for over a week. Even reruns of shows I liked would be doable, but none were on. Then there are multiple channels all in a row with the same sports game showing. Why for heaven's sake? I recall reading a book that described 24 hours of broadcasting on 100 channels. It came to the same conclusion -- all the way back in the mid-1990s. I do have access to streaming shows and movies, but still asked why I couldn't find something on the regular broadcast, re-broadcast and repeat ad infinitum channels. I'm not sure how these channels survive with less traffic and advertising income likely. Interesting.

The selection today speaks to the control the television can have on viewers. This is something I've studies for years, so it isn't just a song from the songwriter's imagination. Enjoy!

TVC-15 -- David Bowie

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