Monday, 21 October 2019

Day 6 - 293 -- Colours of Autumn

What a wonderful day! The sky was clear blue and the sun shone brightly. I walked to campus for a quick task and then headed out for groceries. Walking form the car to the house made a wonderful rustling sound in the downed leaves -- dry today due to the sun. I swept the leaves from the porches and then stood and took in the gorgeous gold, orange and red of the giant maple in my front yard. It was stunningly beautiful with the golden sunlight tones enhancing the leaf colours. 

I know I'm being repetitive, but autumn is my favourite season. The colours in this part of the country are truly amazing shades of orange, red, and pink that we don't see much of on the prairies. This never ceases to take my breath away. The colours are so intense they grab attention of passers-by. In a couple of weeks, all leaves will have fallen and then be removed. The day the yard care person does this task makes me feel sad. I so love walking through the ankle deep dry leaves in the long driveway -- a trip that makes me smile at this time of year. Once the leaves are gone, it just seems so empty. So, on days like today, I take time to revel in the colours and sounds of the autumn leaves. 

A song from my childhood often comes to mind at this time of year. This is one that my dad enjoyed, so I hear it often and learned to play it on the piano. I found a more contemporary version to share here today. It does have the melancholy sound of a minor key, so fits that wistfulness of watching the leaves fall in my yard at present. Enjoy! 

Autumn Leaves -- Eva Cassidy


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