Sunday, 4 September 2016

Day 3 -- 248 -- Doors

Have you ever thought about doors? They serve as entry or exit passages and can be open, closed or even locked. They come in all colours, sizes, shapes and materials. I love looking at doors whenever I am walking somewhere new. I've seen doors to homes that are merely curtains, others that are strong solid wood or iron doors that show the need -- perceived or real -- for security. Doors can be simple or ornate, small or enormous.  They seem to provide a message of what is on the other side, for the outsider at least. The huge doors to a throne room are meant to communicate power and perhaps some intimidation.  Old doors can be fascinating -- heavy wooden and iron doors that have lasted since the middle ages. Strong wrought iron grates that secure inner courtyards lead to a rabbit warren of buildings. Many of these depict exclusivity -- only those with the key pass through.

Why is it that we sometimes end up behind closed doors -- locking out at the world? Many long time residents in my neighbourhood never locked their doors and would knock and walk in to neighbouring homes. I didn't know them, so I kept my door locked. I had moved from a big city and this was necessary for many safety reasons. Many of those residents have moved on in the past 18 years, with rental units in what were once family homes. These keep doors locked, too. So, I wondered if it were a generational thing? Perhaps not, since these people knew each other well for decades, so felt at home with each other. I've seen the small town I live in turn to a place where we don't know our neighbours. On my block, many are students, who don't see the need to get to know anyone expect other students -- understandable <smile>. Why get to know the grey hairs on your block? Well, they could be good help in emergencies or just plain interesting.

We also hide our selves behind an outside mask, much like all those doors. Some appear open, but only so far -- there may be a moat to cross to get to the real door inside. Do we cut ourselves off from possible amazing experiences? Do we isolate ourselves out of fear? Are we lonely but don't see that we may block some social interaction by our actions? Hmm -- 'likely' at some points for each of these questions. More things to ponder on those walks out among nature or the neighbourhood <smile>.

I will continue looking for and photographing doors of all types. I love the promise of a passage elsewhere -- not quite like Monty Hall and the excited, costumed folks on Let's Make a Deal, but there is intrigue, excitement, and hesitation. There is a chance for change, whether you are entering or leaving -- passing through takes you elsewhere. Many songs could fit here today, but I've chosen one from a band that clearly has shown they were and are a band <smile>. The lyrics tell a story of someone behind a door. (video quality is not high but it is an amazing performance). Enjoy!

Door into Summer -- The Monkees

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