Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Day 3 - 257 -- Jet Lag

My first day back to classes for the fall term was the beginning of week 2. Being away last week at a conference meant I missed the first week crazies. Seemed today that this left me with double the craziness factor by cramming week 1 into week 2. The first class for me was at 8:15 AM today, which isn't my favourite time of day. However, today it seemed very doable, but my brain was still 5 hours out of sync with the local time. By mid-afternoon I was fading badly -- again, not my usual routine. But since it was closer to late evening in my head, I was really tired.

Jet lag can create sleep disruptions and mess with the eating schedule. I woke up every hour all night long and today I've been hungry no mater what time it was. Circadian rhythms can be quite delicate and become more sensitive as the brain ages. I don't recall this great a disruption to the systems when I was in London for two weeks, but then I was on sabbatical, so the schedule on return was more flexible than during a teaching term. It will take several days to acclimate. I hope that next week feels more normal. When the routine changes at the beginning of term, it is difficult enough to adjust, but adjusting to a 5-hour time change adds another layer of stress.

The main song line that kept running through my head dealt with not being sure what time it really is. Love the orchestral aspects of this band. Enjoy!

Does Anyone Really Know What Time it is? -- Chicago

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